Shraddha Kapoor talks about her stunts in 'Saaho'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,August 09 2018]

Shraddha Kapoor has a strong role in 'Saaho'. Not only is the story told from her point of view, but the sexy actress will also be seen doing her own stunts.

Asked about her efforts for such challenging sequences in this multi-lingual movie, the 'OK Jaanu' and 'Haseena Parkar' actress says, “It is difficult but I want to do as much as I can do it on my own. If there is a stunt for which I am not qualified enough, I will be happy to use a body double for it.

Speaking to a news agency, the Prabhas heroine further adds, “So one has to be responsible. Sometimes I tend to get over excited and over-involved but the professionals know what you have to do and what not, I follow what I am told.”

The actress is a busy bee in Bollywood. But 'Saaho', directed by Sujeeth, is her biggest project ever.