Shraddha Kapoor wants her mom to sing in her films

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 09 2015]

By now everyone are aware of Shraddha Kapoor's singing talents. The unplugged version of "Galliyan" that she sang for 'Ek Villain' even won her a singing award. And next, Shraddha will be heard singing again in her upcoming film, 'Rock On 2!'

However, only few know that the young beauty gets this from her mom, Shivangi Kolhapure Kapoor. Her mom, daughter of the classical singer, Pt. Pandharinath Kolhapure is a phenomenal singer herself. We were told that Shraddha, who is very close to her mom, would absolutely love for her mom to lend her voice to any of her films.

Remarked Shraddha, "Mom is a fabulous singer and I really want her to sing for some of my movie." Awww, soo sweet!! It is said that whenever the two have some time on hand, they often sing together and discuss music at length.

Shraddha's yet another forthcoming film 'ABCD 2' is already making waves through its trailers, while the film is slated to hit the screens on 19th June.

Watch 'ABCD 2' Trailer