Shriya lectures IIM students

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,February 15 2010]

Shriya may have so far boasted of laurels and appreciation heaped upon her by her co-stars, but now she can claim to be the first actress in South India, or probably, India, to be invited as a guest lecturer at the premium Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The reputable institute of higher learning invited Shriya, the actress of Shivaji - The Boss and such popular Tamil and Telugu movies, on the 12th of February.

She lectured on the topic marketing and branding of a film. She has been associated to big budget movies like Shivaji, which was aggressively marketed. It is said that Shriya did not go about downloading a lecture prepared by someone, but did research on the topic by herself for, well, five days.

Contemporary Film Industry - A Business Perspective was the programme under which the lecture was given. Incidentally, she used the opportunity to speak high of the business of films conducted in the two most popular and rich film industries in the South - Tollywood and Kollywood.

Not just in the way she lectured, but even the way she took the questions from the students after the session, were appreciated. Now that Shriya is called 'beauty with brains,' her fans can now expect her to do roles befitting her real life persona. Is Shriya listening?

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