Simbu in a Vijay Sethupathi film for the first time ever

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,November 05 2016]

We had reported earlier that actor Madonna Sebastian will be making her singing debut in Tamil with 'Kavan' which is her second outing in Tamil as an actress. Multi-talented veteran T.Rajendhar who is acting in an important role in this film will also be singing a song in this film under Hiphop Tamizha's trendy musical score.

Now we learn from a reliable source that actor Silambarasan the son of TR will also be singing a song for 'Kavan'. The source adds that the film has a kuthu number for which the makers felt it would be apt to record it with the voices of TR and Simbu.

Simbu has been approached for the same and he has also given his nod and will be soon recording for the song with his father after many years. However Simbu taking part in this Vijay Sethupathi starrer is not yet officially confirmed.

'Kavan' is being directed by K.V.Anand in whose 2011 blockbuster 'Ko', Simbu was the first choice of hero only to be replaced by Jiiva.