Selena Gomez reveals why she might never become a mother

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,November 12 2022]

American singer Selena Gomez recently opened up in an emotional interview about why she might never become a parent. Selena, who publicly revealed that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a couple of years ago, has now admitted that the two medications she is prescribed for her illness will apparently make it unlikely that she will bear children of her own.

Recalling the time she visited a friend who was trying to get pregnant, Selena Gomez mentioned that she cried in her car following the visit as it deeply affected her. Although she hoped that someday it might be possible for her to become a mother. “That’s a very big, big, present thing in my life. However I’m meant to have them, I will,” the singer was quoted as saying, by an entertainment portal.

Speaking about an episode of psychosis in 2018 where she began to hear loud voices, Selena explained that her psychiatrist took her off all but two medications which she was originally prescribed with. “He really guided me. But I had to detox, essentially, from the medications I was on. I had to learn how to remember certain words. I would forget where I was when we were talking. It took a lot of hard work for me to accept that I was bipolar, but learn how to deal with it because it wasn't going to go away,” she added.