Sir Richard Attenborough impressed with Big B's THE LAST LEAR act

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,September 08 2008]

After its official selection and screening at the London Film Festival, The Last Lear got a several minutes-long standing ovation.

Amitabh Bachchan himself was at the festival. Just when he was bowing down to humbly accept the warm audience appreciation; there was some murmur at the gates. Some security guards came to the organizers and requested them that Mr. Bachchan was required backstage as a very important celebrity wanted to meet him. When Amitabh Bachchan excused himself momentarily, he was stunned to find none other than Sir Richard Attenborough waiting to hug him!

As soon as he saw Mr. Bachchan, he hugged him and congratulated him on the astounding and refined performance that he has rendered in the film. Coming from the legend who gave the world the 8-Oscar winner Gandhi, this is quite a compliment! Bachchan himself was very humbled and graciously accepted his compliment. After having pleased the land of the Bard, as Bachchan arrives home with a bagful of lavish praises, we can't wait to get floored ourselves!