Sivakarthikeyan's Secret of Success Revealed

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 15 2016]

It is no less than breaking-a-record sort of feat that Sivakarthikeyan has accomplished. In just under a dozen films to brag about, the actor is listed one among the mass heroes that represent Kollywood as the strong powerhouse of creativity. There is no action without a plan, and no progress without discipline. While the world is gaping wide in the awe of Siva's phenomenal success, we bring to you the four chief principles the actor has followed, to ensure and secure the sweet spot where he is today. Among his set of steadfast formula for rise, there are four that are eye-catchy.

1. Avoid multi-tasking:

Contrary to the popular belief that multi-tasking showcases the trait of adaptability, it is also true that juggling too many eggs at one time could break them all. Siva knows just how many rabbits he has in his hat; which is just one at a time. So, sticking to this principle, Sivakarthikeyan works only on one movie at a time, and gives it his all.

2. Money isn't everything:

In today's rate of inflation, it could be a heart-breaking decision to pull this off, but the age old adage holds good any day, and thus money is not everything that constructs the all-encompassing definition of success. Therefore, Siva is not running behind big bucks that could turn him a millionaire overnight, but is all ears for stories and projects that add value to his profile. The actor has been consistently choosing one strong story after another, and has been working heart and soul on slating success.

3. Smoking is injurious to health:

That's a statement (also quite much trolled) which is pasted across the screen in every movie we watch, but rarely ever taken into principle. Siva takes this sensitively, and strictly avoids scenes of him smoking, nor does he entertain or promote smoking in any form, especially on-screen.

4. Avoid blood-shed

The prerequisite for mass hero has traditionally been misunderstood to be bloodshed, which is exactly what Siva avoids. Yet, how did he manage to made it to the top 10 list, you ask? This principle is precisely what has put him on the high pedestal, and here's how. Since Siva has a sea of audience from the juvenile and tiny tots, being a responsible artiste that he is. Siva has pointedly avoided gory scenes of red paint smeared everywhere on the screen, which has not only retained his fandom among kids, but has also enhanced it manifold.

Becoming a successful actor takes a lot of sacrifice and quite many calculated moves. As we see, Siva has been treading on the right mantra, to consistently push him higher, at every level. Currently working with the acclaimed movie maker Mohan Raja, in a movie, starring Nayan as the heroine, Sivakarthikeyan remains grounded despite his consistently sky-rocketing acclaim in the industry.