Sneha's hopes

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,September 05 2005]

Sneha is one actress whom you cannot guess whether she is happy or unhappy ---She always has that flashy white-toothed smile.

Many thought she had plenty to smile about at the start of the year. She had sankranthi released in February. Soon followed Bapu's Radha Gopalam.

While Sankranthi was a middling success, Radha Gopalam was not a money-spinner. Yet, Sneha managed to keep her name in tact with a good and gritty performance.

It looked world was her oyster then. But things went horribly wrong. A film with Srikanth is now stuttering. Her experiences in Tamil were nothing to feel bright about.

Then out of the love, the Lord smiled. He did so in the form of Sri Ramadasu.Sneha found herself playing the role after Jyothika walked out owing to date problems.

Now, she is back in the reckoning. She is busy doing the role in all sincerity.Sneha is also in the gossip columns, as she is said to be seeing the son of a popular star.

But you can't gauge anything from her face --- she is smiling, still.