Some stupid politician is doing it: Renu Desai

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 06 2018]

In her latest post, Renu Desai has hit out at the double standards of some Pawan Kalyan's fans in asking her to come with a clarification at a time when a political leader is circulating an image involving the Jana Sena chief's personal life.  

Oh the irony!  I really thought that finally I will be able to use my Instagram in peace but life is full of ironies!  The same people, who, when I was getting abused non stop for 5yrs for no fault of mine, told me to ignore the abuse and just keep silent!  When I spoke up protecting my self-respect and dignity, these people told me to “bear it all silently”  I was accused of being an attention seeker, trying for free publicity for my films and lots more! Renu began saying.

The nice ones just told me that this is all a political ploy and I should just “ignore it”!  Now, when some stupid political person is circulating an image which is negative about Kalyan garu, my Instagram inbox is full with messages, some requesting me, some rude, some threatening me, some nicely asking to come out and defend Kalyan garu and say those words are false!  How come the rules are different for him and me?  Wasn’t my self-respect important when I was being abused on a personal level for 5yrs for no fault of mine? she asked.

Why was I told repeatedly to shut up and bear it and not post anything in public? Now, when Kalyan garu's name is being maligned I am asked to come and clear it?  I am really deeply hurt by the partial society we are all living in!  I hope and pray that one day I get my peace and closure!  Also, please note that I will never ever speak bad about Kalyan garu in public. No political party can ever influence me to talk negatively about the father of my two kids, Renu said, bringing cheers to some scared Pawanists who might be fearing that the politician's ex-wife will speak ill about Power Star.