Spain's Princess Maria Teresa dies from coronavirus

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,March 29 2020]

The novel coronavirus is showing no indication of slowing down as it continues to affect 663,740 people worldwide causing a shocking 30,879 deaths so far. Many countries including India under total lockdown in an effort to combat the pandemic.  Spain's Princess Maria Teresa became the first royal in the world to die from the COVID 19 after she contracted the disease from her a few days back.  She was 86 and her brother  Prince Sixto Enrique de Borbon, the Duke of Aranjuez, announced it on Facebook.

Princess Maria Teresa a professor at Paris' Sorbonne as well as a professor of Sociology at Madrid's Complutense University was known as the Red Princess due to her strong social activism and frank opinions.  She is survived by several nieces and nephews of the royal family of Spain including the current Prince Prince Jaime de Bourbon Parme.

Spain ranks fourth behind USA, Italy and China in the number of coronavirus patients that stands at 73,235  with 5,982.