Sridevi, Sunny Leone, media & an actress's bad joke

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 28 2018]

The demise of legendary actress Sridevi has set the media ablaze throughout the country. In this context, Tamil actress Kasturi Shankar took some time to share a joke on Twitter.

Stating that all news channels are showing songs and clips of Sridevi, Kasturi's mock-wonderment at what will happen after Sunny Leone's death has boiled up netizens terming it as insensitivity while another group has taken to pat the actress's back for her humor. “All the news channels are showing the clips and videos of Late Sridevi. Wondering what will happen when Sunny Leone expires someday,” Kasturi said.

Following a barrage of criticism from netizens, the actress responded that it was just satire and should be taken lightly. However, tweeps seem to be not impressed at the actress's satire skills at a time like this.