Sridevi's was planned murder: Former ACP

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 16 2018]

The recent demise of legendary actress Sridevi put the entire nation into a state of shock and depression. Though the Dubai police stated her death was due to ‘accidental drowning’, there has always been an air of doubt over its veracity.

In a shocking development, Ved Bhushan a former ACP of the Delhi police has now stated that Sridevi’s death did not look like accidental drowning, but like planned murder. “It's very easy to put some one in bath tub forcefully until victims breathing stops without leaving evidence of crime, and label it as an accidental death. This looks like a planned murder,” he added.

It should also be noted that Bhushan went to Dubai’s Jumeirah Emirates Tower to investigate the incident but wasn’t allowed access to the hotel room that Sridevi was staying at so he had to recreate the incident in an adjacent room.

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