Srinivasa Kalyana response good, need more breathing time

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 13 2017]

There has been wonderful response to MG Srinivas direction and acting film Srinivasa Kalyana' but the reach of investment is facing hurdles with multiplex and single screens system of operation in business.

When the multiplex screens given a careless approach, MG Srinivas took the support of Kannada Rakshana Vedike and problem discussed got the answer. Multiplex are giving comfortable timing for screening of his film. From the coming week it is adding more theatres and a few single screens are expected to come forward.

The team of Srinivasa Kalyana is also happy for Rakshana Vedike Shivakumar giving good support, it has plans for abroad release soon and Telugu rights of the film is inspiring for the team.

Shivakumar of Rakshaka Vedike of Kannada Sangha stated that Kannada films should get theatres even in places like Maharashtra and Chennai. It should be given one theatre he explained the proposal.

Jhankar Music Bharat Jain was obviously happy for movie reviews and team effort for good making. Kavitha Gowda who is part of first half of the movie felt very happy for being part of the movie, Nikila Suman Rao happiness was because of identification she got in Malls when she was in shopping.