SRK gets lessons from media for being late

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 01 2011]

B-town King Khan Shahrukh Khan expected line of questions from the over enthusiastic media present at the event of 'Ra.One' tie up with Nokia. But surprisingly the media present at the event barring a couple from the business publication/channel ignored Shahrukh and didn't ask any question. Reason - The star was late by 2 and a half hours at the event.

Being late is a fashion in B-town but this time media was quite offended by this attitude and even gave a lesson to King Khan to be punctual and also advised Shahrukh to ask his people to give proper information about the timings so that people are not left waiting for 2 and half hours.

Don't believe? Then watch this video where you see King Khan apologizing and the person from media giving him gyan on the importance of punctuality.

Well time doesn't stop for anyone; be it Shahrukh Khan or anyone else. Media Jindabad and guys next time when you go for SRK event then please be on time as we know Shahrukh takes things seriously...

Watch the video where SRK is apologizing -