Steven Spielberg voice, Ramesh Rai Kamaal

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 22 2017]

The most surprising voice bit that comes in audio at the Week End with Ramesh season 3 is Steven Spielberg. So far for any of the reality shows the Hollywood path breaker has not given his voice for a TV show.

Who is responsible for this master voice? It is none other than Prakash Rai. That is true. In the Week End with Ramesh -3, Prakash Rai as chief guest one of the voices that wish this agile actor, director and producer is Steven Spielberg.

When the research team of Zee Kannada season 3 of Week End with Ramesh' went in detail to the episode of Prakash Rai, they ascertained the friendship of Spielberg and Prakash Rai. So from California the best wishes of legend were recorded at Abbainaidu studio where the shooting was going on. Apparently for the opening of the season 3 is from Prakash Rai at 9 pm on 25th March.