Married teacher has illicit love affair with her teen student

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 30 2018]

In a very disturbing news, a married teacher Priya was found to be in an illicit love affair with a student. The student who is just 16 years old was having tuition classes from Priya. Not only has Priya been married to another person named Ravi two years back, she also has a child.

Priya in addition to taking tuition classes is also working as a teacher at a school. When it came to light that Priya and hger sixteen year old student were have illicit relationship, it was already late. When the duo eloped, Ravi had registered a case with the police. The cops found out that Priya and the teenager were living together man and wife illegally at Mysuru.

Following this, Priya was sent to her home by Ravi. But then again the teenager came to her house claiming that he would not be able to live without her. He was beaten up by Priya’s relatives and sent to police. The police have decided to send the teenager to counselling.