Stunning new photoshoot of veteran Tamil actor turns viral!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 12 2020]

Actor Nasser is one of the popular actors of Kollywood who is known for playing numerous memorable characters in Tamil cinema. Known for his ability to play any kind of role, be it a villainous role or a comedy character, the actor is now seen playing powerful supporting roles in films.

Nasser was introduced by the legendary director K Balachander in films with his movie Kalyana Agathigal and went on to act in many successful movies in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi and has also directed movies like Mayan, Avataram.

During the lockdown, many stars like Manobala, Sendrayan, Sai Dheena did new photo shoots in never before seen looks and now actor Nasser has also done a photoshoot in a new rocking look sporting a thick long beard and a stylish attire and these photos have turned viral.