Shocking! Suicide instructions video found on YouTube Kids app

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,February 24 2019]

Google has brought YouTubeKIds app to give children videos that are appropriate for them but shockingly the purpose has been defeated. A US based pediatrician Dr. Free Hess has revealed that a video of a man instructing kids how to commit suicide has been found on YouTubeKIds.

The shocking video has been edited in between the Nintendo game Splatoon and the man Filthy Frank a YouTuber says Remember, kids, sideways for attention, longways for results. End it, as he pretends to cut his forearm. Filthy Frank has over 6 million subscribers and calls himself the embodiment of everything a person should not be.

YouTube has taken off the video but doctor Hess has found seven more disturbing videos for kids in the app and warns parents all over the world to keep a sharper eye on what their kids are watching.