Sunny Leone opens up after sensational sting operation

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 20 2019]

Cobrapost, an investigative portal, recently did a sting operation on as many as 36 Bollywood film celebs. Named Operation Karaoke, its aim is to expose the celebs as money-minded entities who charge enormous amounts to make political tweets and Facebook posts favouring BJP (mostly this party), Congress, or AAP. The Cobrapost's undercover reporters approached them as PR agents, claiming to be from this or that party. They offered the celebs anywhere between Rs 50,000 to Rs 20 lakhs per social media post, depending on their popularity and reach. Sunny Leone is one of the celebs exposed by the sting operation.

After her name was outed by Cobrapost, the Bollywood actress issued a clarification stating that she is not wishing to promote any political party. She says that she is approached by people with different agendas every week. Sunny suggests that engaging and listening to them can't be taken to signify her willingness to do what they want her to do.

If I choose to promote anything political in life, I would choose things I only believe in. As of now, I have not posted or expressed any political viewpoint as can be clearly seen on my social media, she adds.