Sunny Singh talks about his role in this big budget flick

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 24 2021]

Sunny Singh is known for his roles in films like 'Pyar Ka Punchnama 2' and 'Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety' but his career is about to reach new heights. Fans knew something big was coming up when the actor announced that he was very excited for 2021 at the start of the year. Turns out that Sunny has bagged a role in Om Raut's upcoming mythological action film 'Adipurush'. He will play the character of Lakshman in this Ramayan based film.

Here's what Sunny shared about the same, Adipurush will mark my first Pan India Film. When I was offered this film, I can't express in words how happy I was. To play the character of Laxman on the big screen is going to be a very different experience for me as in the past I haven't done a role in the Mythological - period genre. My past films have been commercial films but this one is altogether different from all of the films so far.

The background and setting of the film is that of Ramayan to which the people across India would connect as we all have grown up learning about the tale, so the overall impact of it is going to be grand, huge!!

As the film is multilingual and rehearsing, shooting in the Telugu language is a new journey that I embark on with Adipurush.

The adrenaline rush is super high and I am absolutely loving the whole process.