Superstar Krishna is on ventilator: Hospital

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,November 14 2022]

Superstar Krishna is currently being treated at Continental Hospitals in Hyderabad's Gacchibowli after a cardiac arrest last night. At 1:15 pm, Krishna was brought to the Emergency ward of the hospital. A 20-minute CPR session revived his condition. Since then, he has been given care by a team of multi-disciplinary specialists in the ICU.

As per the doctors, Krishna needs special care for the next 24 hours or so because his condition is now critical. Cardiologists, neurologists and others will be monitoring him continuously.

Critical doesn't mean dangerous in the medical lingo. In this case, Krishna will have to be kept under observation and his vitals checked constantly. This critical care will have to go on until his health condition is stabilized.