Superstar Mahesh Babu to feature in a special concept video for Zee Telugu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 10 2020]

Zee Telugu through the years has excelled in bringing forth diverse content to its beloved audience; content that is made up of stories ranging from themes pertinent to the social and cultural context of the people of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh that inspires them to take the first step towards change. And now, with the launch of 3 new shows- Prema Entha Madhuram starring Venkat Sriram and Varsha HK as the leads, Trinayani starring Aashika Gopal Padukone and Thoorpu Padamara with Yamini and Jaya Kavi alongside Pranay and Vinay in the lead roles, Zee Telugu will further strengthen its offerings.

The new shows are the channel’s latest addition to its fiction genre and for the first time ever, Superstar Mahesh Babu joins hands with Zee Telugu for a unique concept video. The charming star shot with the cast of the new shows today at a plush hotel in Hyderabad alongside the famed Anchor Pradeep Machiraju. Zee Telugu is all set to air the video for its ardent viewers during Sankranti. Audiences can also view this video across various theaters in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Catch the video starring Mahesh Babu and the launch of fiction shows coming soon on Zee Telugu and Zee Telugu HD!