Only fools will think they can win elections with fans alone - Rajinikanth

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,October 23 2018]

Superstar Rajinikanth has released a long statement to his fans in which he has emphasized that the strenghth of fans alone cannot win an election and if anyone believed that he must be a fool.  The Thalaivar has explained to his followers that he has deliberately ousted many office bearers from the Rajini Makkal Mandram because of their irresponsible behaviour.

Rajini assured his men that he wants to induce a new type of politics in the state of Tamil Nadu and if they behave like the usual ones it did not make sense.  He also warned that no individual is expected to spend money on the Mandram as he would take care of it and will not entertain any claims thereafter.  The 'Petta' hero also adviced his cadres to co-operate with the public in the party and strengthen it unselfishly.