Suriya's film at odds with the truth of Gopinath's deal with Vijay Mallya

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 12 2020]

'Aakasam Nee Haddu Raa' is out on OTT. If the gushing reviews by folks on social media are anything to go by, Suriya and director Sudha Kongara have pulled off an OTT blockbuster.

However, a few discerning viewers have argued that the film has taken extreme creative liberties. The film, as is known, is based on the life story of Captain Gopinath, the founder of Air Deccan. In the film, a rich businessman (who looks like Vijay Mallya for a reason) offers Rs 16 Cr to the hero asking him to sell off his low-cast airline to him. Suriya refuses the offer bluntly, shooting back that he is not a socialite but a socialist.

In real life, Gopinath sold off his airline company to Vijay Mallya in 2008. In 2017, upon the relaunch of Air Deccan, Gopinath said that there was a dream of taking flying to every possible corner of India, something that did not come to fruition because of Air Deccan’s merger with the Kingfisher Airlines in 2008.

Social media influencer The Kaipullai has written that the film is inaccurate in showing the hero as a poor man whereas Gopinath was already one of India's largest air charter operators when Air Deccan was launched in 2003.