Swarnamalya's action plan for Chinmayi in raging sex abuse issue

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 11 2018]

Chinmayi's accusations of sexual misconduct on lyricist Vairamuthu has become a raging topic in not only Kollywood but nationally as well as the me too and time is up movements are gaining momentum after her expose.

Popular actress and television personality Swarnamalya has come out in support of the singer and dubbing artiste.  She has equated the current scenario to the Goddess Durga pooja stating Navaratri day one. The Durgas, Lakshmis and Saraswatis are no more just pretty dolls on your display stand. We are speaking up. Are the Me Too stories Golu song enough? Vijaya Dasami it will be, when predators are taught to STOP

Swarnamalya has reached out to Chinmayi Now is the time to act. I have initiated an action plan and have reached out to @ekpotleeretki  for advocacy. We will see this thru Chinmayi, Dhanya Rajendran and The Restless Quil.