REVEALED: 'Tamasha' villain is not a normal Bollywood baddie!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,November 13 2015]

Till date we have heard of many brawny, muscular villains in films. But Tamasha's villain is none of what we have seen or heard before. It is not a baddie who comes in the middle of two people. It is in fact a subject that most of us have a history with - Mathematics!

Our hero in the film, Ranbir Kapoor's character, is seen struggling with the villain, Mathematics and wants it to vanish from his life. He doesn't want to do Engineering because of his fear of Maths, which affects a lot of other things too. How many of us have been scared of Maths? The hate for Maths is a very common thing among most students and everyone can very well relate to this feeling. It is a universal hatred that goes a long way.

Even while shooting in Shimla, the unit instantly split into Maths Haters and Others! That one person who was in the Maths Haters Club was actor Ranbir Kapoor who yet speaks about the horrors of Maths.

Ranbir Kapoor shared, "In Tamasha and in my life, Maths stands for all those things that you don't want to do in life but one is forced to do, to fit into the world. All these things make life mechanical."

In fact, there were two people on sets, who bonded very well over their hate for Mathematics; Ranbir Kapoor and Yash Sehgal, the kid who is playing the character of Ranbir's junior. They both even had long discussions on the struggles they have faced with the subject. Ranbir was glad that his share of struggle dealing with it was over in real life.

Audiences will be able to relate the character's relationship with this villain as most of us would have gone through or would be aware of people who have gone through the same.

There is a lot of buzz around the film and the excitement levels to watch Ranbir - Deepika together on the silver screen is very high.