Tamil actor Arya debut, it is Rajaratha

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 16 2017]

With the news of Tamil actor Dhanush making foray in to Kannada cinema production with Malayalam remake 'Tharangam', we have talented actor Arya already appearing in his first Kannada cinema ‘Rajaratha’ in Anoop Bhandari direction.
The poster of Arya Kannada film was released recently. Anup Bhandari with a big hit like ‘Rangitaranga’ approached Arya for a role when Arya was in Cycle Rally happening in London. A few might already know that Arya is a cycling fanatic so he had to complete 1400 kms in mere 4 to 5 days with limited rest. So whenever he used to take 10-15mins break Arya got a brief about his role in Rajaratha. Without any second thoughts Arya consented to act in Kannada film and shared his dates with the team.
Arya hails from Kanjangad / Trikaripur town, Kasaragod district which is close to Mangalore. Later Bala’s Naan Kaduvul, AL Vijay’s Madrasapattinam, Atlee’s Raja Rani and many more came to Arya kitty.
He’s currently busy with Sangamithra a big budget film directed by C Sundar. Rajaratha is a Rom-com musical starring Nirup Bhandari, Avantika Shetty, P Ravishankar directed and written by Rangitaranga director Anup Bhandari, produced by Jolly hits team Anju Vallabhaneni, Vishu Dakappagari, Sathish Sastry & Ajay Reddy Gollapalli.