Tamil director Atlee makes official happy personal news

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 16 2022]

Kollywood director Atlee is an expectant father. The star director made the news of his wife becoming pregnant official on Friday.

The 'Bigil' maker, who is currently debuting in Bollywood with Shah Rukh Khan-Nayanthara's 'Jawan', is elated. Atlee married his girlfriend Krishna Priya in 2014. Today, the couple broke the Internet by announcing that they are expecting their first child.

Atlee and Priya Atlee shared beautiful pictures from the maternity photoshoot. Happy to announce that we are pregnant and need all your blessing and love. Happy to be sharing that our family is growing. Yes! We are pregnant. Need all your blessings and prayers throughout this wonderful journey of ours. With love Atlee, Priya & Becky (sic), the couple wrote on social media.

Atlee is also known for hits like 'Raja Rani' and 'Mersal'. He is going to make a big splash in Bollywood with the SRK-starrer in 2023.