Tamil director joins Taapsee's Bollywood movie!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 30 2019]

Actress Taapsee Pannu had started her career in South and starred in many Tamil and Telugu movies, but her success story began after she entered Bollywood, and she starred in numerous hits starting from Pink.

Taapsee was recently seen making a comeback to Tamil with Game over and scored a hit in Hindi with Mission Mangal, and is ready for her next Hindi movie - Rashmi rocket. This movie is directed by Akarsh Khurana.

Rashmi rocket is the story of a Rajasthan village girl who is a terrific runner and is nicknamed Rocket and how she achieves as a professional athlete. This movie's original story is written by Tamil director Nanda Periyasamy, known for directing movies like Oru Kallooriyin Kathai and Maathiyosi.