Tamil Nadu fans' arthi for Allu Arjun!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,February 18 2016]

Allu Arjun is slowly emerging as a pan-South Indian star. Very recently, he clocked a record one crore followers on Facebook, becoming a rare Indian celebrity with such a huge following. He is one Telugu hero of the current generation who is the most familiar even in the States of Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. Needless to say, his stunning dance moves are a reason for the humongous popularity in the non-Telugu States.

Latest, the screening of his teaser in a theatre in Chennai had the fans go delirious. They reportedly did aarthi for him. Grabs of the same are seen here.

Looks like after conquering many a Malayali heart, the Stylish Star is going to make it big in Tamil Nadu as well. Needless to say, Sarrainodu will leverage Arjun's ever-growing pan-Indian image.