Tamil Nadu may not be part of India by 2048, Vaiko warns

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 13 2018]

MDMK’s general secretary Vaiko has warned the BJP-led Centre that if the Centre doesn’t treat the State fairly and addressed its urgent needs, there is every possibility of Tamil Nadu ‘going separately’ from the Indian Union by 2047, when the centenary of the country’s Independence from the British would be celebrated.

Vaiko was part of the black flag demonstration protest arranged in Chennai yesterday by political parties condemning the Prime Minister’s visit to Chennai especially at a time when the Cauvery-related protests were raging across the State.  Addressing his cadres at Little Mount in Chennai, Vaiko raised slogans against the Prime Minister and also let into the sky hundreds of black balloons condemning the PM’s visit.

Later, speaking to newsmen, Vaiko accused the BJP of attempting to destroy the communal fabric in the State by attempting to come to power via back-gate and by instilling uneasiness and distrust in the minds of the people/group it was targeting ahead of next year’s Lok Sabha polls.  “I’m sure the BJP won’t succeed in its efforts and its dream would only remain a day-dream,” he asserted.

“By the time the country celebrates the centenary of its Independence (from British rule) in 2047, I fear many States would have gone separately from the Indian Union; a separate Tamil Nadu (sans India) might take wings if the Centre didn’t change its attitude towards the State,” Viko warned and added that he was ready to face cases of treachery for this particular speech of his.