Tara Sutaria on making her Bollywood singing debut 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 22 2022]

Beautiful actress Tara Sutaria, who was last seen in Tiger Shroff starrer 'Heropanti 2' is now gearing up for the release of her next film 'Ek Villain Returns'. Apart from playing a significant role, Tara has also sung a song in the film. In a recent media interaction, the actress stated that she always wanted to sing songs in her movies and that dream is finally fulfilled now.

Tara told PTI, I always wanted to sing songs for my films. I was introduced to Mohit sir two-and-half years ago. I knew he was making this film and he said he wanted a singer for this role. She further added, “Singing has been an important part of my life. Before I became an actor, I was performing music. For me, it felt like a dream. Everything fell in place. I was overjoyed when I heard Mohit sir wanted me to sing my own songs.

Talking about how she and her character share a common love for music, Tara said, “Music means everything to her and that’s something that I resonate with. The most interesting part is Aarvi will not give up and that stands true to so many men and women today. We are a generation that keeps it real.

Also starring Disha Patani, John Abraham and Arjun Kapoor, 'Ek Villain Returns' is set to release theatrically on 29th of July.