Teaser Review: 24

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 04 2016]

The teaser of 24, the Suriya-starrer, encapsulates the excitement, intelligence and mystery of a sci-fi thriller. The three avatars of Suriya leave us spellbound. The timid-looking, bespectacled, cerebral Suriya is seen to be at the receiving end of the suave, aggressive Suriya. In a brief shot, the evil-looking, fiery, unkempt Suriya is seen, leaving us with more questions than answers.

Going by Suriya's biographical sentences, it seems it is three avatars and two roles that the hero is playing. "Panchukunnadi okate garbham. Kshanala thedalo mana jananam. Iddarikokete roopam," the trailer opens with this.

Sleek action, rich visuals, pleasing graphics - the teaser has it all. Suriya's words, "I have come. For my watch," to the other Suriya hint at a possible race against time.

Last but not the least, An AR Rahman musical, fantastic RR is writ large.