Teaser Review: Gruham

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 04 2017]

Siddharth is ready with 'Gruham', a horror-thriller that promises to be different.

The Teaser does leave many things to the imagination. Is there an element of past life regression? What is with Sid's psychedelic role? Is there an element of romantic thriller? What haunts that mysterious house? Questions abound.

The night effect is all over. Fittingly, 'Focus on the darkness' is a line heard in the Teaser.

Andrea Jeremiah is the heroine. Produced by the actor himself on Etaki Entertainment, it is directed by Milind Rau, a Mani Ratnam disciple.

The trilingual has been titled 'The House Next Door', and it will release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi in November.