Teenager hacks tech giant Apple multiple times!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 17 2018]

Hey if you think teenagers are nothing more good than sitting in front of TV and munching popcorns, think again. A 16 year old boy in Australia has managed to hack Apple not once or twice, but multiple times over the course of a year.

The teenager managed to steal 90 gigabytes of secure files including accessing customer accounts. He also stored hacking instructions saved under the name of ‘Hacky hack hack’ in his computer which was found after investigation.

Apple identified the activity and reported it to the FBI which later transferred the issue to Australian police. Apple, however has stated that the data of customers are totally safe. On the other hand, the teenager’s lawyer stated that he only hacked Apple because he likes the company very much and hopes one day to work for it as well.