Teja gets going again

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,November 10 2004]

The thing about Ravi Teja is that he is always on the ball.

There is no rest or recreation for him.

He has just wound up Chanti (The Hero). It is being released for Deepavali.

But rather than taking it easy and enjoy some well earned rest, the handsome hulk has got down to another film.

His next movie has already gone to the floors. New find Rasool, who has become a director after being a cinematographer, has gone ahead with next venture with Ravi Teja in the lead.

Now, Rasool is a gritty director, who knows the pulse of the audience. His Okariki Okaru won the Nandi award for best debut director this year.

The new movie with Ravi Teja will also be a commercial entertainer. Satyanarayana Reddy is producer and the movie went on to the floors this week.

ravi Teja says the story is an interesting one with lots of scope for humour and action.