Telugu actors show no gratitude : Teja

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,September 09 2015]

Director Teja doesn't mince his words. Even if his words may hurt people sometimes, he speaks his mind and this time he has targeted heroes with whom he had worked with.

He said that though he introduced many actors to the industry, only a few show him gratitude and many of them even ignore his phone calls.

"Unlike the actors in NTR-ANR era, the present generation heroes show no gratitude.I introduced many actors like Uday Kiran, Nithiin, Navdeep etc and worked with actors like Gopichand when they were not in a good position. But many of them started ignoring me after being successful. They don't even receive my phone calls. But a few like Kajal, Sadaa, Suman Shetty etc keep in touch with me and say they are ready to work with me anytime. The problem is only with the heroes and their head weight. They are not at all grateful. But it doesn't stop me from introducing new actors to the industry. I only see the positive side of everything and try to help others", the 'Chitram' director adds.

Teja's 'Hora Hori', starring new actors Dileep and Daksha in the leads, will release on September 11th.