Telangana to help other States as 'rice bowl'

Telangana is emerging as the rice bowl of India this season, says an NDTV report. The State is expected to harvest bumper paddy crop this year, paving the way for export to other States, especially down South.

As per the government, focus on irrigation projects in the last 5 years is why Telangana has seen this sort of turnaround. The Food Corporation of India needs to stock up more and more grains to feed the poor in a year when labour shortages due to pandemic are reportedly causing production shortfalls.

Commenting on the development, Minister KT Rama Rao today said, Once a dry & parched area, Telangana today has been able to come to the rescue of other States with increased food grain production; all thanks to Hon'ble Telangana CM KCR Garu's single minded focus & tenacious efforts to complete irrigation projects on a war footing.