Telugu actress sings for Mohanlal's 'Villain'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 11 2017]

Actors Vishal, Hansika, Srikanth and Rashi Khanna are making their Mollywood debut with the upcoming Mohanlal starrer movie Villain directed by B.Unnikrishnan.  However, for actress Rashi Khanna, Villain marks to be her singing debut too. The actress has crooned for the movie's main theme song, which will be used for the promotions. Apparently, it was director B Unnikrishnan who suggested Rashi for the song, after hearing her singing on the sets. 

In the upcoming investigative thriller, Mohanlal essays the role of Mathew Manjooran, an ex-cop, while Manju Warrier appears as his wife. Renowned cinematographer Manoj Paramahamsa, famous for his works in Kollywood movies such as Nanban and Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya, is Villain's DOP. Produced by Rockline Entertainments, Villain is the first Indian movie to be shot completely in 8K resolution. The movie which has bagged a clean U certificate from the censor board will hit the big screens this October 27th.