Telugu film 'Taskara' adapted into novel

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,July 19 2016]

'Taskara', written by Kiriti Rambhatla, who has earlier written and hosted the talk show 'Arambham', is a "neo-noir cyber heist thriller with elements of geopolitics". Telling the story of how a hacker hacks into the RBI's system and loots Rs. 1 trillion, the film is directed by Chandrasekhar Devarapalli.

The news is that the film Indian neo-noir film based on hacking/financial system is being adapted into a comic book by Fenil Comics, the publishing house. "Graphic Novels are a rage in markets like USA and UK . It will be a welcome change for Indian cinema and Telugu cinema particularly with new stories like this being adapted to different formats like graphic novels," the makers say.

'Taskara' had a limited theatrical released when it as out in January, given the nature of its "esoteric content". It found major viewership online with over 200,000 views for its trailer on Youtube. The movie released by VOLGA video online recently has garnered over 400,000 views on youtube to a very positive response.

Kireeti, Sampath Raju, Srinivas Govind and Monika Hirmerr are acting as the leads in this movie. Background score and sound design are by Rohith Kumar Naidu. Lyrics are by Anantha Sriram. VFX supervisor is Himanshu Shani.