Texas: US political parties woo Indian Americans ahead of Presidential elections

Both Democrats and Republicans are wooing the Indian Americans in Texas ahead of the Presidential elections of November 3. And there is a strong reason behind it. Texas is reportedly home to the second-largest Indian American population in America.

As per official statistics, California with 815,948 has got the highest Indian American population, followed by Texas (452,598), New Jersey (387,244), New York (379,439) and Ilinois (256,122).

As a result, the Indian American vote bank has become quite important during elections. Dallas News recently reported that voter registration drives are being conducted at Hindu temples and Muslim mosques. Some politicians have hosted Iftar parties.

Indian Americans are this time said to be very keen on getting out to vote. Voter turnout is going to be remarkable this time, pundits say.

As per polls, most of the Indian Americans are going to choose Joe Biden. Indian Americans are an increasingly vital and shifting voting bloc in US politics. Obama won 84% of their vote, Clinton 77%, and Biden trending at 72%. Indian Americans are also located in key swing states like Texas, Pennsylvania and Michigan, says a recent Foreignpolicy.com report.