Bollywood hunk to fight Ajith in 'Thala 56'?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 01 2015]

It was Vidyut Jamwal, who locked horns with Ajith, Vijay, and Suriya in 'Billa 2' and 'Thuppakki'. He was last seen in a positive role along with Suriya in Anjaan', and Siruthai Siva is said to have roped in another hunk from Bollywood, Kabir Singh. Adding a Pan Indian flavor to regional movies have become the trend lately, as this could give more mileage to the films across the country.

'Thala 56' has ticked almost all the boxes as the latest one to join the crew is, Anirudh. Being an ardent fan of Ajith, Anirudh has promised to score some electrifying music for the film. If everything goes as per Siva's plan, the movie will be out for Diwali.