'Thalaivi': Kangana Ranaut aces cute looks in 'Ilaa Ilaa' video song

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 02 2021]

A video promo of the song 'Ilaa Ilaa' from 'Thalaivi', starring Kangana Ranaut as Jayalalithaa, is out. Shot on the lead actress, this one is rendered by Saindhavi Prakash. GV Prakash Kumar's composition is lilting, capturing the mood of the black and white era. Sira Sri has penned the lyrics.

Directed by AL Vijay, the film will tell the inspirational journey of the late actress-turned-politician right when she debuted in movies when she was all of 16. She went on to become a superstar actress, besides ruling the roost as a political legend.

Arvind Swami has played MGR, described by the makers as Jaya's inspiration, love interest, and mentor.

The film's trailer was released recently. Also featuring Nassar, Bhagyashree, Samuthrakani and Madhu Bala, the film is helmed by AL Vijay. With music by GV Prakash, its cinematography is by Vishal Vittal. The biopic will hit the screens on April 23.