Check out details about the final schedule of 'Lal Singh Chadda'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 20 2021]

Its well known that Aamir Khan takes lots of time to deliver his films. His 'Lal Singh Chadda' has been under production since forever now and fans are getting quite desperate. According to reports, the makers are planning for the final schedule of the film in Kargil between May and June.

A source close to the production revealed, The team is waiting for the snow to melt so that the team can go ahead and shoot the Kargil war sequence in the month of May-June. This sequence is of great importance to the film's plot. And the wait is on for the conditions in Kargil to become better for a smooth-sailing shoot.

Lead actor Aamir Khan is also the producer of this remake of Academy Award winning film 'Forrest Gump' and he is overlooking the post production work as well.