The Malayalam Star War-In an industry not so far away

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 14 2016]

It's another episode of Star Wars, in the capital city of Kerala, happening in light of the elections ahead. It all started with the mega star of Malayalam cinema, Mohanlal, who went on to promote his friend and colleague, former forest and film minister, and an actor himself, Ganesh Kumar who is a candidate in Trivandrum. Sources say it was an unwritten rule, which states actors shouldn't be involved with election campaigns. Things got worse when comedian and national award winner actor, Salim Kumar as a protest, resigned from AMMA, the Malayalam movie artist's clan, followed by the incident. Actor Mukesh supported Mohanlal promoting Ganesh Kumar, which is against rules, for some. President of the association, AMMA, actor Inncoent stated that the association could do nothing against actors nor interfere in their personal activities or interests. Anyway, the fans too have took sides and the topic is being discussed everywhere. With just two days left for the elections, its really has to be seen how it would affect the final verdict of people, and also if the war would continue even after it!