This is the reason Rajinikanth won't come to Kabali audio

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 25 2016]

It's known that the audio of Kabali's Telugu version will be held tomorrow in Hyderabad. Many have been hoping to catch Superstar Rajinikanth on the occasion. While there hasn't been confirmation about his attendance, here we bring the news that Rajini won't be gracing the event.

The crazy project, which has music by Santosh Narayan, did not see the attendance of the demigod even for its Tamil version's audio, too. It was a low-profile audio release and this expectedly disappointed his die-hard fans. The news that Rajini will absent himself for the Hyderabad event comes as a double whammy.

The fact that this as yet unstated absence of the style icon comes in the context of speculations about he undergoing treatment for a kidney-related ailment in the US, adds to anxiety. It is learnt that Rajini's inability to make it to the event is owing to this reason.

Whatever may be the reason, the fans must be hugely let down by this news.