This Week of Sarcastic Saamy

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,September 30 2018]

Quote of the week:

Nila la Sai Baba theriyuthu - Neighbour aunty

Enaku unga ponu Nila than theriyuthu - Roadside Romeo

Lyricist Vivek's kid pens dialogue for Simtangaran:

Last week's viral video, audio, meme and jokes are certainly for Sarkar's single – wait, what is the track name, let me google it; Ah yes.. Simtangaran song. While everyone is busy racking their brains on what those lyrics mean, it is now learnt that when AR Rahman asked lyricist Vivek to send the lyrics document via email; meanwhile Vivek’s kid “did my dear Diana” on the laptop keyboard and sent that doc. So ARR thought it was actually some native colloquial linguistic Tamil and used it for the mass intro song. So here, this is the story of Simtangaran’s source.

Admin expands Skills:

In the age of automation, all roles are easily automated with Artificial Intelligence around the corner. That's why our H.Raja admin who was confined to technologically motivated media like Twitter has now started working on his mimicry skills too to participate in KPY season 7. Yes, that's why he lent his voice for Raja bashing police, court, BJP and his self-esteem.

Political parties to punish politicians with Party post:

SC has ruled a historic statement that if a party leader innocently committed any criminal charges, its up to the party to decide to punish him or hit the escape button. Now if SC knows that the criminal charges came from the party in the first place or not is a different question.

Trump wants his face on Moon:

Trump's ambitious Space force program was hijacked by Sai Baba Bhaktargal last week. The immigration lover wanted his face carved out on Moon, he had spent billions of dollars on his space program for this project and now he is furious that it was hacked by a bunch of sai bhaktals. So he has now instructed Nasa to design a project to build a wall on moon, intha side sai baba, other side his caption – MANA ( Make America Nasty Again ).

Nithyananda recollects matter experience:

Non-vegetarians do not understand matter, only vegetarians can interpret matter to a whole new level – claims matter guru Nithy. So next time you don’t understand why solid, liquid and gas is continuous then stop eating chicken. Which matter were you thinking? Filthy guuuuuyzzzz. The man is a strict vegetarian and does not go near any animal, but has managed to devise a software (new soft skills program launched at Nithya pedam) that will help in translating and interpreting animal language for human – So next time when a crow rejects your food, you can now hear it abusing, also when before the butcher kills a goat, the goat’s annamalai revenge dialogue can be heard. Lastly when you disturb a dog when its peeing, you can find out what **** it barked at you. Thank you swamiji, enga kulathuku neenga than oru pathfinder.