Tamil actress kidnapped, case filed

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,July 27 2019]

The female lead in the upcoming Tamil film Thorati has reportedly been kidnapped and a petition has been filed at the High Court by the makers of the movie.

The actress, identified as Sathyakala, plays the female lead in the movie 'Thorati,' which is slated for release on August 2. The actress would allegedly complain to the crew members about her father and step-mother being unhappy with her for choosing to act in movies. When she didn't show up on the sets or respond to the director's calls, he filed a petition at the High Court, claiming that her parents may have abducted her.

Thorati is the long stick with a hook attached to its end which is used to pluck leaves from high tree trunks for feeding their herd. They are also used as protective weapons from wild animals during the night. And one may call the ‘Thorati’ as the sixth finger of a shepherd, Director Marimuthu said about the film.