Tim Paine's hilarious phone conversation

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 04 2019]

While the Australian team has been reeling under the pressure offered by the Indian team after the second day of their fourth Test in Sydney, the skipper Tim Paine has retained his composure, which was evident in a phone call he attended during a press conference.

Paine was in the middle of answering a reporter’s question when he was interrupted by the call from the phone of a journalist. The conversation that ensued after he picked up the call went as follows –

“Tim Paine speaking. Who is it, sorry? Oh okay, who are you after? Casey in Hong Kong! Oh, Martin! Oh alright, he's in the middle of a press conference. Can I get him to call you back? Alright.. no worries, I'll ask him to check his emails. Alright! Thanks Casey, cheers!” The perky conversation erupted a few laughs from the journalists, lightening up the solemn atmosphere.

At the end of the second day of the Sydney Test on Friday, India took their total to 622/7, after the day’s score of 303/4, before calling off the innings.