"Never imagined Kolam as tool of expression!" says top cinematographer!

The citizenship amendment act recently passed by the central government has been facing lots of criticisms and there have been protests over the last two weeks all over the country. There were many violent incidents, police attacks and deaths during the protests.

Many college students from Chennai also have been protesting, and yesterday few students from Chennai protested by placing Anti CAA slogans in their Rangoli Kolams, and the students were arrested. Following this, the Kolam protest has expanded and many people all over the state have started making Anti CAA kolams outside their houses.

Observing this Kolam protest, top cinematographer PC Sreeram has said he never imagined Kolam can be used as a tool of expression. He tweeted #kolamNever ever imagined kolam can used as tool of expression.. How deep it has gone in every ones mind . The peoples. Movement cannot be given colors .whole world knows your hidden agenda.